Category: AI


En el vertiginoso mundo de la transformación digital, la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ha dejado de ser un concepto futurista para convertirse en una realidad tangible que revoluciona industrias.


Na informação que vai sendo divulgada nos meios de comunicação social acerca da Inteligência Artificial (IA) e da sua aplicação nos diversos ramos profissionais, surgem diferentes abordagens…


As businesses increasingly turn to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automate and enhance their customer service operations, one technology that has gained significant attention is the Generative Pre-trained Transformer…


OpenAI released ChatGPT on the 30th November 2022 and a lot has been said about it since then. Its impact is felt across industries, not just tech, and expectations for such a powerful language model are high from day one…


It is critical for organizations to understand the truth about AI automation applied to customer service in order to set realistic expectations, maximize value, avoid unnecessary costs, and consider ethical and moral…
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